Kirsten Krishna Gonzalez Riley


Krishna was born on the 19th of December 1985 in Germany, the cherished daughter of Sellapa and Laxmi. She grew up in London, a city she loved for the rest of her life. From a young age, she displayed a remarkable intelligence and creativity, traits that defined her life.

She went on to achieve 3 science degrees from 3 top universities in the UK. During her time as a senior kidney dialysis nurse, she saved countless lives and was praised highly for her selfless acts. During the pandemic, she worked in the front line, day after day, despite her own Asthma and despite orders to shield at home.

Krishna was fearless. She had the courage of a lioness. Those who knew Krishna would agree she was extraordinary.

Krishna had 3 big goals in life: to drive, to get married and to have a son. She achieved each and every one of those goals.

Her husband, José, and her beautiful son, Alexander, are proud to have been a part of Krishna’s short but impactful life. Her legacy is one of love, strength, and kindness. She taught us to be better people, and her spirit will continue to inspire us. We will carry her memory in our hearts forever.

In closing, Krishna will be deeply missed but never forgotten. Her love has shaped us, and her memory will guide us. Let us honour Krishna by living our lives with the same grace and compassion she did. Thank you.