Kirsten Krishna Gonzalez Riley

About Krishna

On the 14th of June, 2024, Krishna passed away after suffering a fatal asthma attack. That morning, Krishna's breathing had been laboured, but - like most mornings - she had been joking with me, her husband Jose, about social media news.

That morning, Krishna and our son, Alexander, said GoodBye as he set off for school, for what was to be the last time.

Krishna was with me at the time of the attack. I was on the phone to 999 while helping her and following the operator's instructions. The paramedics arrived minutes later, alas too late.

The Coroner registered Krishna's death having taken place at Wigan Infirmary.

During her time as an experienced and skilled Kidney Dialysis nurse at Hammersmith Hospital, which is the largest facility of its kind in Europe, Krishna saved countless lives. Patients sought her out to praise her, and spoke highly of her to her managers.

During the pandemic, and despite being told to shield at home because of her breathing condition, Krishna worked selflessly and relentlessly at Hammersmith Hospital, in the front-line, doing what she did best: saving people. She had the courage of a lion; she truly was one in a million and I am forever grateful that I was able to tell her she was my hero.

Krishna had 3 big goals in life.

To pass her driving test and drive her beloved Lexus.

To get married.

To have a son.

Krishna accomplished all her goals in her short but impactful life. She was fearless, and undertook everything with an unmatched discipline and focus.

She was elegant and dignified, a true princess.